Friday, April 19, 2013


Government Spending

The government spends a lot of money every year on different areas. The main thing  the government spends money on is the military. Looking at it right now, Johnson & Girls believe that the government should cut military spending. This year, the government will spend approximately five hundred and thirty billion dollars on the military (National Priorities Project, 2013). 526.6 billion dollars are going towards Department of Defense, and 8.4 billion dollars are for the purchasing of 29 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters (National Priorities Project, 2013). This is after President Obama has cut the military budget by one point six percent (National Priorities Project, 2013). According to polls, over half of the country supports substantial reductions in military spending (National Priorities Project, 2013). Johnson & Girls are glad the government has cut spending, but we still believe that it could be cut a little bit more. Although we do need a strong military, there are more important things to spend our money on than almost five hundred and thirty billion dollars on the military. Also we should probably start staying out of peoples business and then maybe we wouldn't have to spend so much on the military...
The Government spends money on entitlements also. Things what they spend money on are Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, agriculture, housing, energy, family services, and economic recovery payments (Entitlement programs, 2013). The government spends approximately two hundred forty-seven billion dollars on entitlement programs. The Johnson & girls would cut some of the Medicare and Medicaid. People should be able to spend their own money for insurance and not the government. The government would save billions of dollars if it was this way. Other programs like unemployment, energy and other should stay the same because if someone is unemployed, they need money to buy goods and services.
Public Officials are elected by the public. Today the average amount of money that the public officials make is about $130,000 local, $200,000 state, and $230,000 federal (How Much Money, 2013). On top of this all of the government officials have fully paid health care benefits for life. So why is this? Why don’t they take a pay cut? Johnson & Girls believe it is because these wonderful people are running out country so why not? Although they may not do a very good job sometimes, they do work hard, therefore they deserve that money. Just like anyone else with a job, deserves their paychecks. Some could choose to cut their pay checks, but it’s not like they are making millions of dollars so cutting their paychecks wouldn't really make a difference. No one else we know would cut their paycheck.
The United States are very deep in debt. Trillions of dollars in debt and rising every second (U.S. National Debt, 2013). The National debt is at 16,813,922,771,496 and still counting” (U.S. National Debt, 2013).Though we are supposed to give a thought on how we would fix the national debt, the truth is, is that Johnson & Girls do not believe the debt will ever be able to be fixed without fusing together all of the countries in the world. That can not happen. So, although it would be lovely to fix the national debt, Johnson & Girls believe that we should all just accept the fact that the debt is so bad that we can not just fix it... it is virtually impossible. Commissioners have created a plan to fix the debt (Fix The Debt, 2013). We don’t think it will work...

Work Cited
President Obama Proposes 2014 Budget (2013) Military
Retrieved On: April 12, 2013
Entitlement Programs (2013)
Retrieved on april 12, 2013
Chron (2013) How Much Money Do Government Officials Make?
Retrieved On: April 12, 2013
U.S. National Debt Clocks (2013)
Retrieved On: April 15, 2013
U.S. National Debt Clock (2013)
Retrieved on: April 19, 2013
Fix The Debt (2013) Simpson- Bowles Release Details
Retrieved On: April 19, 2013