Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Responses:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjTvX_Kb5KY3dG13SFZ5MU5CRDlRWkpwOEk4Vmh1Vnc#gid=0
Education is a very important process for the United States. in the U.S. they make it a rule that people have to go to school at least until they are 16. In school, They are set things that the teachers have to teach their students. These are called the common core standards. These are to make sure that everyone in the country learns the same thing. Johnson & Girls believe that every state should use the common core standards. When everyone learns the same thing, everyone has an equal opportunity to become what you want. If states were allowed to teach whatever they want, some kids might not learn what they need in life and others would. “ Like in social studies 11- 12, you have to evaluate an author's, different points of view on the same historical events” (Common core standards, 2012). All in all Johnson and Girls believe that we would improve the educational system of the united states by giving everyone the equal opportunity and by that you can become what you want to be, and use common core standards. “If schools adopt into technology, involve parents, connect integrated studies, and engage project learning” (Big ideas for better schools,2012). Johnson and girls agree because technology is becoming more and more favorable from improving note taking using apps to help take notes, the new over head projectors help a lot as well, and that is all helping our education. Involving parents will improve education as well because the parents can enforce studying and reviewing at home and that then leads to better test results and more! Engaging project learning also helps students because projects often times help students because they give the hands on that some students may need.

Johnson and girls would measure the achievement of students in public schools by sticking with the idea of ACT testing. “When taking the ACT it lets students know if they are on track for college, and points out a students academic strengths and areas where improvement is needed”(Why take the ACT,2013). Johnson and girls believe that by using this mechanism it will continue to measure the achievements of students in public schools growth.  Johnson and girls feel that if we continue to use the ACT to measure the achievements of students it also will prepare them and help them know where they are at before they go to college.”The first ACT that junior takes through the school is paid for, the school gets their money from the budget that they have at the beginning of the year to pay for this”(Why take the ACT,2013). Johnson and Girls feel as though that the students should have to pay for the ACT test because the schools budget continuously is being cut and schools are having lesser and lesser of money, so by having the students pay for the ACT would put money back into the budget.

Over the years, education has evolved and have become more and more useful throughout the years. These changes are important to the future because jobs and science are going to advance and education has to be meeting those standards, Johnson & Girls believe. “Since about 1990 the assumption that the public sector should be responsible for all aspects of education has been increasingly questioned, in both developed and developing countries” (Government and The, 2013). It is the questioning of public education (Government and The, 2013). Johnson & Girls strongly support, public education. Even if it is not as effective as private, it still gives those who have less opportunities an education. That is all that really matters. This sort of goes with the “No Child Left Behind Act” (American Educational History, 2013).

Work Cited
American Educational History (2013) A Hypertext Timeline
Retrieved On: May 2, 2013
Big Ideas for Better Schools: Ten Ways to Improve Education, (2012). Retrieved on May 6, 2013
Common core state standards initiative, (2012). Retrieved on May 3, 2013 from

Government and the Changing Role of Education (2013)
Retrieved On: May 6, 2013
Why take the ACT(2013). Retrieved on May 3, 2013 from

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