Monday, February 4, 2013

In the first few weeks of our campaign, we have been working together very well. I think we have a very good chance of getting this job over the other candidates of this class. Johnson & girls will be posting updates for the society to see. Thank you for your time.

Political Parties and Other Actors

There are many different political parties. The biggest two are Democrats and Republicans. The purpose of a political party is to express people's beliefs and stances for different issues.  When choosing what party, the person is choosing who they want to represent them in the government. Political parties can influence and determine the public agenda by using propaganda. Their propaganda helps persuade people to vote for their beliefs. Democrats originated in 1792, in response to the idea that government should represent the people and that wealth and status should not be an entitlement to rule (History of the, 2013). Their mission statement is; "The history of our country is a history of change. Year after year, we have evolved, innovated, and overcome the major challenges of our time. America's genius throughout has been its ability to renew our promise to provide citizens the opportunity for a better life - and though our own history isn't perfect, the mission of the Democratic Party has been to make that promise a reality" (Mission Statement, 2013). Republicans originated in 1854, which started with with people opposing slavery (History of the, 2013). Their mission statement; "Republicans believe individuals, not government, can make the best decisions; all people are entitled to equal rights; and decisions are best made close to home. These basic principles are as true today as they were when the Party was founded. For all of the extraordinary leaders the Party has produced throughout its rich history, Republicans understand that everyday people in all 50 states and territories remain the heart and soul of our Party" (Mission Statement, 2013). Political parties can influence and determine the public agenda by how liberal or conservative they are. Just like, FOX news are more conservative, so they generally go towards the republican party. Or, how MSNBC is more liberal, so they are generally more on the democratic side. Media, interest groups, and individual citizens influence the public agenda, and political parties. Most people go to the media to find information on their political party or parties, even though a lot of the time the media is very biased. Interest groups, Political parties can lose potential voters if an interest group has similar ideas as the political parties. ex: if an interest group has the same principles as the republican party, then during the election the republican party can lose votes to that interest group (How do interest..., 2013). Although the political parties share traits their political organizations differ from state-to-state, setting them apart (Party Organizations, 2013). Political action committees exist to make donations to candidates, for financial support (Political Action Committees, 2013). Interest groups give out information to the public on their party, normally biased (How do interest...,2013). Religion influences politics by, how far a party wants to take religion in the U.S. Normally conservative religious people are more conservative and republican, showing the leader of the republican party that if he will earn their vote if he is for it (Sex, secularism, and...,2013). Campaigns and elections allow “We The People” to choose who is going to rule our country. Democrats accuse republicans of  being in the hands of big business, of not caring for the welfare of the average middle to lower class American, clinging to guns at the expense of peoples' lives, starting and pushing America into stupid wars, trying to impose Christian fundamentalism on everyone else (Criticisms of political...,2013). Republicans accuse democrats of of being elitist intellectuals, bleeding hearts, naive, politically correct race-baiters who want to impinge on the freedom of speech of anyone they don't like, godless, welfare queens, lazy slobs, unpatriotic, un American, big city socialists, big government loving spendthrifts and communists too (Criticisms of political...,2013). A campaign finance reform is the political effort of the U.S. to change the involvement of money in politics (Campaign Finance Reform, 2013). We believe that both political parties should still be able to have money involved in campaigning but, each party should be able to spend the same amount of money so that it is fair. 

Answers (2013) How do interest groups influence politics

Retrieved On: February 3, 2013
Answers (2013) How do interest groups influence political parties?
Retrieved On: February 3, 2013
Google (2013) Definition of campaign finance reform
Retrieved On: February 3, 2013

History Learning Site (2013) Political Action Committees
Retrieved On: February 3 2012
Pollick, M (2012). What is the purpose of political parties.

Retrieved on February 1, 2013

Prentice Hall (2013) Party Organizations
Retrieved On: February 3, 2013
ProCon (2013) History of the Republican Party
Retrieved On: February 3, 2013

ProCon (2013) Mission Statement (Democrat)
Retrieved On: February 1, 2013

ProCon (2013) Republican Mission Statement
Retrieved On: February 3, 2013

ProCon (2013) U.S. Political Parties (Democrat)
Retrieved On: February 1, 2013

Yahoo Answers (2013) Criticisms of political parties....10 points?
Retrieved On: February 3, 2013

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