Thursday, February 14, 2013

In this issue, the Johnson & Girls
found out how people got their information. 
Most people get their information  from the internet. 
The Johnson & Girls have been putting up all of our
 information up on a blog so we can get our views out
 to the world. We have a great chance to win this 

The Effect of Public Opinion

“The publics opinions can affect public policy because, when the public's opinion is voiced very strongly about particular issues, public policy has no choice but to address these issues” (Kull, 2009). Johnson & Girls believe that, public opinions can affect government and politics very strongly because people have many opinions and want different things. Sometimes though, it can get out of hand and that’s when public issues occur with the people amongst themselves. Normally people, that believe that the government is what helps society have an opinion on everything. Their opinions are what the government bases their public policies off of, in search of making the society better, or in search for the good of others. Sometimes the government does not know which opinions they want to fallow or listen to and answer to. If they don’t answer some of the publics opinions, then the public is going to have stronger opinions on everything. The publics opinions are normally very selfish and self-centered because, normally humans really only think about themselves, but the government has to think about the society as a whole, and tries to do the best they can by listening to all of the publics opinions.
             Most people find out their information from some type of technology. Without technology, most people wouldn't know what is happening throughout the world. Citizens, get their “facts” from television, radio, press, and the internet, and from that information, people normally have an opinion on everything. Johnson & Girls gets a lot of their information from the internet. We, depend on this information and take it and form opinions on it,  just like the majority of the population. So, for example, when you figure out how liberal or conservative you are, may determine on what channel of news you watch. Those channels like FOX news are generally more conservative, making them biased, giving you the conservative information, may be giving you somewhat false information, making your opinion not so reasonable. “If there is a scandal going on, the press, television, and the internet will be the way the citizens get their information” (Lopatic, D, 2008). At this point individuals trust in an organization and this allows shaping and molding of opinion to happen (Akkanen, 2013).
           From experiencing campaigning, Johnson & Girls have seen that technology comes in handy when it comes to campaigning. Political parties, and electorates, use the media to get their views and thoughts out there to the public. When parties use technology, they get their ideas out to the public. By doing this, the parties are potentially getting more people to vote for them. We see commercials on the television all the time, the press on the internet and TV, the radio has it all too. The campaigning is everywhere in the media.  For us it gets more annoying.
Politics, especially campaign politics, is ever-changing. The strategies, tactics and technologies employed in the last cycle are dated the second the new cycle begins (How The Consulting, 2013). “The biggest impact technology has on campaigning is how the information is spread” (Entwistle, 2012). Before, people had to actually travel or go to a library to find out information in the world. In todays times, people can figure out what happened across the world in seconds. The internet has made everyone's lives easier and has made voting way easier. In the past, people just circled peoples names and had no clue who they were voting for.

Works Cited
Akkanen (2013) Social Sciences, Explain why media is so influential in influences public opinion
Retrieved On: February 8, 2013

Campaigns & Elections (2013) How the consulting industry changed in 2013
Retrieved On: February 8, 2013

Entwistle, S (2012). How social media and technology have changed the election process.
Retrieved On: February 8, 2013

Kull, S. (2009, December 4). Does public opinion matter? world attitudes on global      
governance. Retrieved (2013, February 4)  from

Lopatic, D (2008) Public opinion, the media and their influence on public policy. Retrieved on February 8, 2013 from

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