Thursday, March 7, 2013


The Johnson & girls just addressed the ways to help the economy in the last issue. We feel that we should create jobs to have less unemployment. Our party would add money into things like education to get more teachers since they teach kids how to get jobs and have a better life. Also we believe that we should build the new bridge to Canada to create more jobs.

The Economy

As a political party, part of Johnson & Girls job is to get an idea on how to create more jobs. We have come up with a couple which has to do with the distribution of money. We know that education is one of the most important subjects in the U.S. today because it leads to a higher educated and higher paid job. So, first we have the ideas to give schools more money to create more classes and higher a few more teachers...Creating more jobs. Teachers don’t make a lot of money so it would be easier to higher more of them (Teachers Salaries by, 2013). Another idea Johnson & Girls had was to give banks more money so that banks would be more willing to give out loans to entrepreneurs and business owners. Then, entrepreneurs could higher workers, increasing the employment number!  Johnson & Girls also want to raise the minimum wage so the workers can make more money. If we raise the minimum wage, employees with have more money to buy items. When they buy items, those companies can make more money. Since those companies make money, they can hire more workers. In New York State, They are raising the minimum wage to 9 dollars an hour. They are doing this because inflation is on the rise. If we keep the same wages, the poverty limit is going to keep rising. “Our people are facing a higher standard of living, if we raise the minimum wage it will allow people to live better with more money” (Massey, D, 2013). The Johnson & Girls want to raise the minimum wage for Michigan. In order to have more entrepreneurs and business owners for banks to help, MIchigan has to first get them here. As the Michigan economy is gradually getting better, Johnson & Girls have figured that the businesses will naturally come to us without much work. On how we would personally get companies to move to the state, Johnson & Girls offers the great lakes where many people come to visit so having more people creates more business. Now, we also have the right to work law meaning you can choose to be in a union ( Hartfield E, 2013). By doing this, people have the choice to receive benefits from the union or not. If a person wants benefits, they would have to pay to be in a union. Government support is a big deal when it comes to supporting businesses and companies in our state. The Johnson & Girls would create jobs to generate more money for the economy. We would create any jobs that come with the companies. We would not change the taxes though. By changing the taxes, people wouldn’t be able to buy the goods and services from the new companies moving into Michigan.

Yes, the Johnson & Girls support the new bridge to Canada. The one and only bridge to Canada is privately owned and generates no revenue for Michigan. If we Built a new bridge, it would create new jobs in construction and the jobs on the bridge. Michigan would generate money from people coming from and going to Canada. By making a new bridge, companies around the bridge would also make more money because of the traveling past them and the workers would come and use/buy their goods and services. Johnson & Girls favor the republican viewpoint because we don't feel that taxes should not be increased for anyone, including the wealthy people. We believe that the wages should be set by the free market. Whereas democrats Favor minimum wages and progressive taxation i.e. higher tax rates for higher income brackets(Democrat Vs. Republican,2013). Johnson & Girls feel if you raise, or favor minimum wage the company will cut other benefits such as health care and retirements.  Also Johnson & Girls feel if you higher minimum wage it would cause outsourcing, where companies move to other locations so that they don’t have to pay their employers as much.

Work Cited

Democrat Vs. Republican (2013) Compare Anything

Retrieved On: March 1, 2013
Graham, L. (2012, September 26). Will new bridge to canada cost michigan taxpayers?     
we ask a law professor. Retrieved from Will new bridge to Canada cost Michigan taxpayers? We ask a law professor
Retrieved On: February 25, 2012                From:
Hartfield E. (2013) The Right-To-Work Distracts From Obama Visit
Retrieved On: March 1, 2013
Massey, D. (2013) NYS minimum wage coalition supports speaker silver’s $9 plus Teachers portal (2013) Teachers Salaries by State
Retrieved On: February 25, 2013

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