Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Johnson & Girls want to raise taxes. We don't want to raise taxes on everyone, just the richer people. If we raise it on them, they have more money to give. We are working very well this week and we have a good blog getting made.

Michigan Taxes
Johnson & Girls Believe that the United States should raise taxes on the wealthy. The wealthy have enough money for taxes now, and to get their kids range rovers at the same time. We are pretty sure they could handle higher taxes. Johnson & Girls would never think of lowering taxes because, we need the money to go towards a new future! More revenue means more money for the local businesses in the state. When they get more money it creates more money, and then more people have money to spend, and then that is what makes the circle of money go around.  When the government gets taxes, they can give money to infrastructure to fix up the things that people use everyday. Public and charter schools are funded by the government. Right now in a charter school 7500 dollars on each student, and 6800 dollars is allowed to be spent on a student in public schools (Mack, J, 2013). Smaller schools like Colon, is very poor and needs more money. With the thought of tax cuts in michigan, Colon could suffer even more if the tax cuts do happen. Johnson & Girls want to use higher taxes to give money out to public schools that need it. The more money in the system, the more the money goes around and so money stays in the system. The conservatives that want to hold onto their money is just freezing the system.           
There are many things the Johnson & Girls want to do the Michigan taxes. What we want to do is raise taxes on the wealthy. The wealthy can give the government more money because they have more money. If we raise money on the middle class, there would be less income for the government. After the government gets this money, they can put money into infrastructure. When there is more money in the infrastructure, they can make new roads. When new roads are being made, people can get more jobs. This would lower the unemployment  in Michigan. “A $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan creates twenty seven million jobs in five years” (Lenzner, R. 2013). This was a plan in 2011. Johnson & Girls wants to do this in Michigan, because this infrastructure is a job creator. The only way to get this much money is through taxes, and in the long run it will help with a lot of jobs created and more people earning money.
Republicans being more conservative normally, and democrats being more liberal, Johnson & Girls agree more with the democrats. Democrats want to create an economy built to last, and built from the middle out (On The Issue, 2013). They encourage homeownership, and affordable housing (On The Issue, 2013).  Republicans believe that low tax policies drive a strong and healthy economy (Political Ideology: Republicans, 2013). They also believe that wages should be set by the free market (Comparison Chart Republican, 2013). Johnson & Girls believe in hiring taxes on the wealthy. We do not believe that low tax policies drive a strong and healthy economy because, businesses and schools need to be helped.  How well did tax cuts help president bush?...Not that much. The economy can not stimulate itself by itself. With higher taxes and more money to be handed out,  means more money to the people, giving people more of a reason to spend money. When people spend money, it means that money is being put back into the system... creating a circle of life. The middle class is what needs to be built so that there is not a huge gap between the really poor and the rich.


DiffEn (2013) Democrats vs. Republicans, Comparison Chart

Retrieved On: March 17, 2013

Lenzner, R (2013) A $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan Creates 27 Million Jobs In 5 Years
Retrieved On: March 17, 2013
Mack, J (2013) New Michigan business tax cut takes big bite of K-12 revenues (with poll)
Retrieved On: March 17, 2013
On The Issue (2013) Democrat Party On Budget & Economy
Retrieved On: March 17, 2013
Parties For Taxes, Republicans vs. Democrats (2013) Political Ideology: Republicans
Retrieved On: March 17, 2013

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