Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Responses:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjTvX_Kb5KY3dG13SFZ5MU5CRDlRWkpwOEk4Vmh1Vnc#gid=0
Education is a very important process for the United States. in the U.S. they make it a rule that people have to go to school at least until they are 16. In school, They are set things that the teachers have to teach their students. These are called the common core standards. These are to make sure that everyone in the country learns the same thing. Johnson & Girls believe that every state should use the common core standards. When everyone learns the same thing, everyone has an equal opportunity to become what you want. If states were allowed to teach whatever they want, some kids might not learn what they need in life and others would. “ Like in social studies 11- 12, you have to evaluate an author's, different points of view on the same historical events” (Common core standards, 2012). All in all Johnson and Girls believe that we would improve the educational system of the united states by giving everyone the equal opportunity and by that you can become what you want to be, and use common core standards. “If schools adopt into technology, involve parents, connect integrated studies, and engage project learning” (Big ideas for better schools,2012). Johnson and girls agree because technology is becoming more and more favorable from improving note taking using apps to help take notes, the new over head projectors help a lot as well, and that is all helping our education. Involving parents will improve education as well because the parents can enforce studying and reviewing at home and that then leads to better test results and more! Engaging project learning also helps students because projects often times help students because they give the hands on that some students may need.

Johnson and girls would measure the achievement of students in public schools by sticking with the idea of ACT testing. “When taking the ACT it lets students know if they are on track for college, and points out a students academic strengths and areas where improvement is needed”(Why take the ACT,2013). Johnson and girls believe that by using this mechanism it will continue to measure the achievements of students in public schools growth.  Johnson and girls feel that if we continue to use the ACT to measure the achievements of students it also will prepare them and help them know where they are at before they go to college.”The first ACT that junior takes through the school is paid for, the school gets their money from the budget that they have at the beginning of the year to pay for this”(Why take the ACT,2013). Johnson and Girls feel as though that the students should have to pay for the ACT test because the schools budget continuously is being cut and schools are having lesser and lesser of money, so by having the students pay for the ACT would put money back into the budget.

Over the years, education has evolved and have become more and more useful throughout the years. These changes are important to the future because jobs and science are going to advance and education has to be meeting those standards, Johnson & Girls believe. “Since about 1990 the assumption that the public sector should be responsible for all aspects of education has been increasingly questioned, in both developed and developing countries” (Government and The, 2013). It is the questioning of public education (Government and The, 2013). Johnson & Girls strongly support, public education. Even if it is not as effective as private, it still gives those who have less opportunities an education. That is all that really matters. This sort of goes with the “No Child Left Behind Act” (American Educational History, 2013).

Work Cited
American Educational History (2013) A Hypertext Timeline
Retrieved On: May 2, 2013
Big Ideas for Better Schools: Ten Ways to Improve Education, (2012). Retrieved on May 6, 2013
Common core state standards initiative, (2012). Retrieved on May 3, 2013 from

Government and the Changing Role of Education (2013)
Retrieved On: May 6, 2013
Why take the ACT(2013). Retrieved on May 3, 2013 from

Friday, April 19, 2013

Responses: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjTvX_Kb5KY3dHRFQ1lsZG1kelBhTzRWUGkwTWJiNnc#gid=0

Government Spending

The government spends a lot of money every year on different areas. The main thing  the government spends money on is the military. Looking at it right now, Johnson & Girls believe that the government should cut military spending. This year, the government will spend approximately five hundred and thirty billion dollars on the military (National Priorities Project, 2013). 526.6 billion dollars are going towards Department of Defense, and 8.4 billion dollars are for the purchasing of 29 F-35 Joint Strike Fighters (National Priorities Project, 2013). This is after President Obama has cut the military budget by one point six percent (National Priorities Project, 2013). According to polls, over half of the country supports substantial reductions in military spending (National Priorities Project, 2013). Johnson & Girls are glad the government has cut spending, but we still believe that it could be cut a little bit more. Although we do need a strong military, there are more important things to spend our money on than almost five hundred and thirty billion dollars on the military. Also we should probably start staying out of peoples business and then maybe we wouldn't have to spend so much on the military...
The Government spends money on entitlements also. Things what they spend money on are Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, agriculture, housing, energy, family services, and economic recovery payments (Entitlement programs, 2013). The government spends approximately two hundred forty-seven billion dollars on entitlement programs. The Johnson & girls would cut some of the Medicare and Medicaid. People should be able to spend their own money for insurance and not the government. The government would save billions of dollars if it was this way. Other programs like unemployment, energy and other should stay the same because if someone is unemployed, they need money to buy goods and services.
Public Officials are elected by the public. Today the average amount of money that the public officials make is about $130,000 local, $200,000 state, and $230,000 federal (How Much Money, 2013). On top of this all of the government officials have fully paid health care benefits for life. So why is this? Why don’t they take a pay cut? Johnson & Girls believe it is because these wonderful people are running out country so why not? Although they may not do a very good job sometimes, they do work hard, therefore they deserve that money. Just like anyone else with a job, deserves their paychecks. Some could choose to cut their pay checks, but it’s not like they are making millions of dollars so cutting their paychecks wouldn't really make a difference. No one else we know would cut their paycheck.
The United States are very deep in debt. Trillions of dollars in debt and rising every second (U.S. National Debt, 2013). The National debt is at 16,813,922,771,496 and still counting” (U.S. National Debt, 2013).Though we are supposed to give a thought on how we would fix the national debt, the truth is, is that Johnson & Girls do not believe the debt will ever be able to be fixed without fusing together all of the countries in the world. That can not happen. So, although it would be lovely to fix the national debt, Johnson & Girls believe that we should all just accept the fact that the debt is so bad that we can not just fix it... it is virtually impossible. Commissioners have created a plan to fix the debt (Fix The Debt, 2013). We don’t think it will work...

Work Cited
President Obama Proposes 2014 Budget (2013) Military
Retrieved On: April 12, 2013
Entitlement Programs (2013)
Retrieved on april 12, 2013
Chron (2013) How Much Money Do Government Officials Make?
Retrieved On: April 12, 2013
U.S. National Debt Clocks (2013)
Retrieved On: April 15, 2013
U.S. National Debt Clock (2013)
Retrieved on: April 19, 2013
Fix The Debt (2013) Simpson- Bowles Release Details
Retrieved On: April 19, 2013

Friday, March 22, 2013

The Johnson & Girls have been talking about how the government should play a role for the citizens. We believe that the government should help out the citizens in area where we need it like in a depression. There are times where the government needs to step in and stop the problem.

Responses: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AjTvX_Kb5KY3dDg2d3JVNGUzSVJFT0l6YjFNeGEtOGc&usp=sharing

Role of the State and Federal Government

The state provides a lot  for it’s citizens. State decide what is done with the revenue from taxes. So, today the revenue goes towards, welfare, education, medicare, fixes, transportation, public assistance, est. (Bulk of State, 2013). The bulk of state revenue does go towards education and health care (Bulk of State, 2013). Johnson and Girls believe that education should still be where a lot of where the revenue goes. Education leads everything. Everything else is important also though. Johnson & Girls also think that there aren't other things that the revenue should go towards. Some of the revenue should go towards debt. Sort of like paying off a loan. Education is still the biggest concern.The children are the future, so may as well make them smart. We don’t want a bunch of hooligans running around, with  Mick Jagger wanna be as president.
Today there are a lot of government regulations on large and small businesses. Some regulations include safety and sometimes sanitation along with a lot others (A Summary of, 2013). Johnson & Girls do believe in business regulations, some of them we believe are ridiculous regulations that should just be set by the businesses themselves and not the state government. So, the state should have a little bit of power for saying what the regulations are for business. Other than that, the businesses themselves should be responsible enough to set their own regulations. If the business is not setting good enough regulation then, this is when the state should step in and give the businesses regulations. Too much regulation set by state can cause a lot of setbacks, but not enough could create bad businesses. Johnson & Girls just think it depends on the situation.
Federal Government should have some government on the states, seeming as though the federal government is over the states. The question is though, is how much influence  the federal government should have on the states. It is said that fifty percent of Americans believe that the federal government has too much influence on the states (50% Believe Fed, 2013). According to reports Americans also trust government closer to home, as in their state government, more than the federal government (50% Believe Fed, 2013). With that being said, Johnson & Girls would have to agree. We too would trust the government closer to home. State government would know what is better for their people, more than what the federal government might think is better for the people. A lot of times the federal government looks like they are in their own little world of unicorns and butterflies, so the people turn to their state. Because of this, Federal Government should not have too much influence over states. Some legislatures argue that states should be free of federal government influence, or other influences, because the states should then create their own ways of a government (ALEC’s Denial of, 2013). Johnson & Girls do not agree with this, because we fear that states would then take advantage of that. Sooner or later, the U.S. might end up with more wars within itself. States should have rights and abilities but influenced and led by a bigger government, the federal government (How Does Congress, 2013).  Johnson & Girls believe that the federal government should have influence but not too much, and that the states should have a lot of rights. Too much influence could create chaos, and not enough influence could cause states to take advantage.
Policy Basics (2013) Bulk of state spending goes to education and welfare
Retrieved On: April 6, 2013
A Summary of Sanitation Rules and Regulation (2013)
Retrieved On: April 6, 2013
Rasmussen Reports (2013) 50% Believe Fed Gov. Has Too Much Influence on States
11% Think Not
Retrieved On: April 9, 2013
Daily Kos (2013) ALEC’s Denial of Federal Influence
Retrieved On: April 9, 2013
Yahoo Answers (2013) How does congress influence policies
Retrieved On: April 9, 2013
From: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120108162318AAJwAMR

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Johnson & Girls want to raise taxes. We don't want to raise taxes on everyone, just the richer people. If we raise it on them, they have more money to give. We are working very well this week and we have a good blog getting made.

Michigan Taxes
Johnson & Girls Believe that the United States should raise taxes on the wealthy. The wealthy have enough money for taxes now, and to get their kids range rovers at the same time. We are pretty sure they could handle higher taxes. Johnson & Girls would never think of lowering taxes because, we need the money to go towards a new future! More revenue means more money for the local businesses in the state. When they get more money it creates more money, and then more people have money to spend, and then that is what makes the circle of money go around.  When the government gets taxes, they can give money to infrastructure to fix up the things that people use everyday. Public and charter schools are funded by the government. Right now in a charter school 7500 dollars on each student, and 6800 dollars is allowed to be spent on a student in public schools (Mack, J, 2013). Smaller schools like Colon, is very poor and needs more money. With the thought of tax cuts in michigan, Colon could suffer even more if the tax cuts do happen. Johnson & Girls want to use higher taxes to give money out to public schools that need it. The more money in the system, the more the money goes around and so money stays in the system. The conservatives that want to hold onto their money is just freezing the system.           
There are many things the Johnson & Girls want to do the Michigan taxes. What we want to do is raise taxes on the wealthy. The wealthy can give the government more money because they have more money. If we raise money on the middle class, there would be less income for the government. After the government gets this money, they can put money into infrastructure. When there is more money in the infrastructure, they can make new roads. When new roads are being made, people can get more jobs. This would lower the unemployment  in Michigan. “A $1.2 trillion infrastructure plan creates twenty seven million jobs in five years” (Lenzner, R. 2013). This was a plan in 2011. Johnson & Girls wants to do this in Michigan, because this infrastructure is a job creator. The only way to get this much money is through taxes, and in the long run it will help with a lot of jobs created and more people earning money.
Republicans being more conservative normally, and democrats being more liberal, Johnson & Girls agree more with the democrats. Democrats want to create an economy built to last, and built from the middle out (On The Issue, 2013). They encourage homeownership, and affordable housing (On The Issue, 2013).  Republicans believe that low tax policies drive a strong and healthy economy (Political Ideology: Republicans, 2013). They also believe that wages should be set by the free market (Comparison Chart Republican, 2013). Johnson & Girls believe in hiring taxes on the wealthy. We do not believe that low tax policies drive a strong and healthy economy because, businesses and schools need to be helped.  How well did tax cuts help president bush?...Not that much. The economy can not stimulate itself by itself. With higher taxes and more money to be handed out,  means more money to the people, giving people more of a reason to spend money. When people spend money, it means that money is being put back into the system... creating a circle of life. The middle class is what needs to be built so that there is not a huge gap between the really poor and the rich.


DiffEn (2013) Democrats vs. Republicans, Comparison Chart

Retrieved On: March 17, 2013

Lenzner, R (2013) A $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan Creates 27 Million Jobs In 5 Years
Retrieved On: March 17, 2013
Mack, J (2013) New Michigan business tax cut takes big bite of K-12 revenues (with poll)
Retrieved On: March 17, 2013
On The Issue (2013) Democrat Party On Budget & Economy
Retrieved On: March 17, 2013
Parties For Taxes, Republicans vs. Democrats (2013) Political Ideology: Republicans
Retrieved On: March 17, 2013

Thursday, March 7, 2013


The Johnson & girls just addressed the ways to help the economy in the last issue. We feel that we should create jobs to have less unemployment. Our party would add money into things like education to get more teachers since they teach kids how to get jobs and have a better life. Also we believe that we should build the new bridge to Canada to create more jobs.

The Economy

As a political party, part of Johnson & Girls job is to get an idea on how to create more jobs. We have come up with a couple which has to do with the distribution of money. We know that education is one of the most important subjects in the U.S. today because it leads to a higher educated and higher paid job. So, first we have the ideas to give schools more money to create more classes and higher a few more teachers...Creating more jobs. Teachers don’t make a lot of money so it would be easier to higher more of them (Teachers Salaries by, 2013). Another idea Johnson & Girls had was to give banks more money so that banks would be more willing to give out loans to entrepreneurs and business owners. Then, entrepreneurs could higher workers, increasing the employment number!  Johnson & Girls also want to raise the minimum wage so the workers can make more money. If we raise the minimum wage, employees with have more money to buy items. When they buy items, those companies can make more money. Since those companies make money, they can hire more workers. In New York State, They are raising the minimum wage to 9 dollars an hour. They are doing this because inflation is on the rise. If we keep the same wages, the poverty limit is going to keep rising. “Our people are facing a higher standard of living, if we raise the minimum wage it will allow people to live better with more money” (Massey, D, 2013). The Johnson & Girls want to raise the minimum wage for Michigan. In order to have more entrepreneurs and business owners for banks to help, MIchigan has to first get them here. As the Michigan economy is gradually getting better, Johnson & Girls have figured that the businesses will naturally come to us without much work. On how we would personally get companies to move to the state, Johnson & Girls offers the great lakes where many people come to visit so having more people creates more business. Now, we also have the right to work law meaning you can choose to be in a union ( Hartfield E, 2013). By doing this, people have the choice to receive benefits from the union or not. If a person wants benefits, they would have to pay to be in a union. Government support is a big deal when it comes to supporting businesses and companies in our state. The Johnson & Girls would create jobs to generate more money for the economy. We would create any jobs that come with the companies. We would not change the taxes though. By changing the taxes, people wouldn’t be able to buy the goods and services from the new companies moving into Michigan.

Yes, the Johnson & Girls support the new bridge to Canada. The one and only bridge to Canada is privately owned and generates no revenue for Michigan. If we Built a new bridge, it would create new jobs in construction and the jobs on the bridge. Michigan would generate money from people coming from and going to Canada. By making a new bridge, companies around the bridge would also make more money because of the traveling past them and the workers would come and use/buy their goods and services. Johnson & Girls favor the republican viewpoint because we don't feel that taxes should not be increased for anyone, including the wealthy people. We believe that the wages should be set by the free market. Whereas democrats Favor minimum wages and progressive taxation i.e. higher tax rates for higher income brackets(Democrat Vs. Republican,2013). Johnson & Girls feel if you raise, or favor minimum wage the company will cut other benefits such as health care and retirements.  Also Johnson & Girls feel if you higher minimum wage it would cause outsourcing, where companies move to other locations so that they don’t have to pay their employers as much.

Work Cited

Democrat Vs. Republican (2013) Compare Anything

Retrieved On: March 1, 2013
Graham, L. (2012, September 26). Will new bridge to canada cost michigan taxpayers?     
we ask a law professor. Retrieved from Will new bridge to Canada cost Michigan taxpayers? We ask a law professor
Retrieved On: February 25, 2012                From:http://www.michiganradio.org/post/will-new-bridge-canada-cost-michigan-taxpayers-we-ask-law-professor
Hartfield E. (2013) The Right-To-Work Distracts From Obama Visit
Retrieved On: March 1, 2013
Massey, D. (2013) NYS minimum wage coalition supports speaker silver’s $9 plus Teachers portal (2013) Teachers Salaries by State
Retrieved On: February 25, 2013
From: http://www.teacherportal.com/teacher-salaries-by-state/

Thursday, February 14, 2013

In this issue, the Johnson & Girls
found out how people got their information. 
Most people get their information  from the internet. 
The Johnson & Girls have been putting up all of our
 information up on a blog so we can get our views out
 to the world. We have a great chance to win this 

The Effect of Public Opinion

“The publics opinions can affect public policy because, when the public's opinion is voiced very strongly about particular issues, public policy has no choice but to address these issues” (Kull, 2009). Johnson & Girls believe that, public opinions can affect government and politics very strongly because people have many opinions and want different things. Sometimes though, it can get out of hand and that’s when public issues occur with the people amongst themselves. Normally people, that believe that the government is what helps society have an opinion on everything. Their opinions are what the government bases their public policies off of, in search of making the society better, or in search for the good of others. Sometimes the government does not know which opinions they want to fallow or listen to and answer to. If they don’t answer some of the publics opinions, then the public is going to have stronger opinions on everything. The publics opinions are normally very selfish and self-centered because, normally humans really only think about themselves, but the government has to think about the society as a whole, and tries to do the best they can by listening to all of the publics opinions.
             Most people find out their information from some type of technology. Without technology, most people wouldn't know what is happening throughout the world. Citizens, get their “facts” from television, radio, press, and the internet, and from that information, people normally have an opinion on everything. Johnson & Girls gets a lot of their information from the internet. We, depend on this information and take it and form opinions on it,  just like the majority of the population. So, for example, when you figure out how liberal or conservative you are, may determine on what channel of news you watch. Those channels like FOX news are generally more conservative, making them biased, giving you the conservative information, may be giving you somewhat false information, making your opinion not so reasonable. “If there is a scandal going on, the press, television, and the internet will be the way the citizens get their information” (Lopatic, D, 2008). At this point individuals trust in an organization and this allows shaping and molding of opinion to happen (Akkanen, 2013).
           From experiencing campaigning, Johnson & Girls have seen that technology comes in handy when it comes to campaigning. Political parties, and electorates, use the media to get their views and thoughts out there to the public. When parties use technology, they get their ideas out to the public. By doing this, the parties are potentially getting more people to vote for them. We see commercials on the television all the time, the press on the internet and TV, the radio has it all too. The campaigning is everywhere in the media.  For us it gets more annoying.
Politics, especially campaign politics, is ever-changing. The strategies, tactics and technologies employed in the last cycle are dated the second the new cycle begins (How The Consulting, 2013). “The biggest impact technology has on campaigning is how the information is spread” (Entwistle, 2012). Before, people had to actually travel or go to a library to find out information in the world. In todays times, people can figure out what happened across the world in seconds. The internet has made everyone's lives easier and has made voting way easier. In the past, people just circled peoples names and had no clue who they were voting for.

Works Cited
Akkanen (2013) Social Sciences, Explain why media is so influential in influences public opinion
Retrieved On: February 8, 2013

Campaigns & Elections (2013) How the consulting industry changed in 2013
Retrieved On: February 8, 2013

Entwistle, S (2012). How social media and technology have changed the election process.
Retrieved On: February 8, 2013

Kull, S. (2009, December 4). Does public opinion matter? world attitudes on global      
governance. Retrieved (2013, February 4)  from  

Lopatic, D (2008) Public opinion, the media and their influence on public policy. Retrieved on February 8, 2013 from

Monday, February 4, 2013

In the first few weeks of our campaign, we have been working together very well. I think we have a very good chance of getting this job over the other candidates of this class. Johnson & girls will be posting updates for the society to see. Thank you for your time.

Political Parties and Other Actors

There are many different political parties. The biggest two are Democrats and Republicans. The purpose of a political party is to express people's beliefs and stances for different issues.  When choosing what party, the person is choosing who they want to represent them in the government. Political parties can influence and determine the public agenda by using propaganda. Their propaganda helps persuade people to vote for their beliefs. Democrats originated in 1792, in response to the idea that government should represent the people and that wealth and status should not be an entitlement to rule (History of the, 2013). Their mission statement is; "The history of our country is a history of change. Year after year, we have evolved, innovated, and overcome the major challenges of our time. America's genius throughout has been its ability to renew our promise to provide citizens the opportunity for a better life - and though our own history isn't perfect, the mission of the Democratic Party has been to make that promise a reality" (Mission Statement, 2013). Republicans originated in 1854, which started with with people opposing slavery (History of the, 2013). Their mission statement; "Republicans believe individuals, not government, can make the best decisions; all people are entitled to equal rights; and decisions are best made close to home. These basic principles are as true today as they were when the Party was founded. For all of the extraordinary leaders the Party has produced throughout its rich history, Republicans understand that everyday people in all 50 states and territories remain the heart and soul of our Party" (Mission Statement, 2013). Political parties can influence and determine the public agenda by how liberal or conservative they are. Just like, FOX news are more conservative, so they generally go towards the republican party. Or, how MSNBC is more liberal, so they are generally more on the democratic side. Media, interest groups, and individual citizens influence the public agenda, and political parties. Most people go to the media to find information on their political party or parties, even though a lot of the time the media is very biased. Interest groups, Political parties can lose potential voters if an interest group has similar ideas as the political parties. ex: if an interest group has the same principles as the republican party, then during the election the republican party can lose votes to that interest group (How do interest..., 2013). Although the political parties share traits their political organizations differ from state-to-state, setting them apart (Party Organizations, 2013). Political action committees exist to make donations to candidates, for financial support (Political Action Committees, 2013). Interest groups give out information to the public on their party, normally biased (How do interest...,2013). Religion influences politics by, how far a party wants to take religion in the U.S. Normally conservative religious people are more conservative and republican, showing the leader of the republican party that if he will earn their vote if he is for it (Sex, secularism, and...,2013). Campaigns and elections allow “We The People” to choose who is going to rule our country. Democrats accuse republicans of  being in the hands of big business, of not caring for the welfare of the average middle to lower class American, clinging to guns at the expense of peoples' lives, starting and pushing America into stupid wars, trying to impose Christian fundamentalism on everyone else (Criticisms of political...,2013). Republicans accuse democrats of of being elitist intellectuals, bleeding hearts, naive, politically correct race-baiters who want to impinge on the freedom of speech of anyone they don't like, godless, welfare queens, lazy slobs, unpatriotic, un American, big city socialists, big government loving spendthrifts and communists too (Criticisms of political...,2013). A campaign finance reform is the political effort of the U.S. to change the involvement of money in politics (Campaign Finance Reform, 2013). We believe that both political parties should still be able to have money involved in campaigning but, each party should be able to spend the same amount of money so that it is fair. 

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